Food Lion Frugal Cookoff 2013: Blogger Event!

*Disclaimer - I was compensated with gift cards from Food Lion to attend the local event for the awesome time at the Food Lion Cookoff. 

The evening of fun with other bloggers:
I was recommended as a local blogger to Food Lion for the event called Food Lion Frugal Cookoff 2013, here locally in Virginia where I live. It was a great 2 1/2 hours of fun with other bloggers. I had never attended an event before for blogging, so I was in for a nice surprise with the fun I had. I met 2 bloggers that I follow online and we got to talk for awhile and then I met my partner for the cookoff. We had a total time of 45 minutes to plan, prepare, shop, and cook our meal for the judges to taste. We placed third out of fourth! :)


  1. Looks like this would have been fun to go to! Congrats on the 3rd place score.

  2. Cool of Food Lion to sponsor such a fun event! I am glad you shared - looks great!

  3. Congratulations on placing 3rd! I love getting to meet other bloggers in real life settings!
