Tips To Help You Feel Better As A Busy Mom



Being a mom can be stressful some days. However, it can also be a very rewarding role. You likely have a lot of to-dos to tackle on any given day.

What’s most important is that you not let your health and well-being slip through the cracks. You can be a better caretaker when you take good care of yourself first and foremost. Now is your chance to make some changes that will boost your happiness and improve your well-being. Take the time to review some tips to help you feel better as a busy mom. 

Indulge in Self-Care

You must put your needs first as a busy mom if you’re going to feel your best. This includes taking the time to indulge in self-care activities. For you, it may be taking a warm bath or sitting down to sip a cup of coffee without distractions. If you’re a regular coffee drinker then make sure you get a good coffee brush that will help keep your machine clean and ready to use. Other ideas include getting outside for a walk in nature or taking up a meditation practice. It’s essential that you set aside time for yourself and do things that make you happy if you’re going to be successful in your role as a parent. 

Stay Active

It’s not always easy to fit in regular exercise when you work nine to five. However, it’s important that you stay active if you want to feel better as a busy mom. It’s even more critical that you do so if you have a sedentary job or lifestyle currently. Find activities that you enjoy doing and that get your heart rate up. Invest in workout clothes that you like wearing and create a playlist of your favorite songs to help keep you motivated to exercise. You can also stay more active by getting the entire family involved in exercising regularly. For example, you may choose to run around the backyard or at the park some days. 

Plan Meals & Eat Better

You don’t want to always be rushing around and not paying attention to what you’re eating and your diet. Even if you are busy, you must find ways to meal plan and eat a healthier diet. It may be helpful to go grocery shopping and do some food prep on the weekends. This way you can put some dinners in the freezer and pull them out to eat when you’re busy during the week. If you’re someone who is always on the go then make sure you pack plenty of healthy snack options in your bag. It may help to keep a food journal and keep closer track of what you’re choosing to eat for meals and snacks. You may be able to identify problem areas and make changes that will have a positive impact on your diet. 

Make Sleep A Top Priority

You want to avoid feeling sluggish each day and like you need a nap. You’ll be a better mom and caretaker when you are well-rested. Therefore, it’s important that you make rest and sleep a top priority. Get on a regular sleep schedule where you’re going to bed and waking up around the same time each day. Configure your bedroom for optimal rest by making sure the room is dark enough and at a comfortable temperature. Avoid playing on your electronics at night before bedtime and instead choose to engage in a relaxing bedtime routine. For example, you can spend time getting lost in a good book or drinking a warm cup of tea. 

Ask for Help

Another tip to help you feel better as a busy mom is to get in the habit of asking for help. There is no shame in admitting that you can’t do everything yourself. Reach out to those around you and let them know what you need. There may be simple tasks that are taking up a lot of your time that you can delegate to others so they can help you out. Talk with your partner and get on the same page about what each of your responsibilities are and make sure you’re both pitching in daily. 


It can be challenging to be a mom and have a busy schedule. However, it’s possible to succeed in your role and feel your best. These are some tips and ideas to help get you started down a better path to finding more peace and happiness in your days. Stick with your new routine and it won’t be long before you notice you have more natural energy and a smile back on your face.

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