How To Re-Establish Intimacy

 After being in a long-term relationship for several years, you'll want to read this.

If not decades, your sex life might be on the downswing. This is an extremely common roadblock many couples run into, so don't feel bad if you're in this scenario with your significant other. All partners, at some time or another, experience a lapse in the way they're intimate with one another. 

Whether their sex life has become a bore, or they simply aren't doing the deed at all, it's always possible for couples to get back into the swing of things and feel better than ever about their reestablished intimacy. We are going to go over some of the best ways to get back into the bedroom with your partner and to feel great about it.


Make time for intimacy.

This might sound simple, but when you're an adult with a job, children, or all of the above, it's much more difficult to make time for intimacy than one might think. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind of life and to put your sex life on the back burner. This kind of routine is easy to fall into, but it's not as easy to get out of. If you're in this situation with your partner now, you might be wondering how it's possible to revamp your sex life without feeling awkward or uncomfortable.

According to a 2018 survey of married couples, 10 percent of the couples surveyed had not had sex once in the past year. On the flip side, 25 percent of the couples surveyed had sex once per week, so we know it's possible to make time to get intimate with your partner.

Whether you have to schedule the intimate session or stay up later than you planned, it's so important to make time and stick to the plan. If you're wondering if scheduled sex is an automatic turn off, you couldn't be more wrong. Knowing you have a passion-filled night ahead of you is a great way to get through the day, and it also keeps you excited for what's to come.

Make your partner feel special.

It's common for people to go out of their way to make their partner feel special in the beginning of a relationship. Whatever the gesture is, whether it's buying special Valentine's day gifts or shopping for new women's dresses to show your partner that you're trying to look good, it's important to take that extra step even in long-term relationships.

In this day and age, it might be more appropriate to send a special text message to your partner in the middle of the day to show them that you're thinking about them. You might want to add a sexual comment to show them you're still attracted to them and desire them. These actions might seem small, but they're far from meaningless in the big picture.


Try something new.

It might have been a long time since you and your partner have tried something new in the bedroom, but it's important to keep an open mind in this department when you're trying to reconnect and make things exciting once again. Whether it's introducing new sex toys such as a vibrator or a cock ring, purchasing sexy lingerie, or positions, the possibilities are almost limitless if you keep an open mind. Of course, you want everyone involved to feel comfortable, so having a conversation about what you're ready to do and not ready to do is important before things get going.

If confidence is an issue and is holding you back, try having an honest conversation with your partner about how you're having problems with self-confidence and how they can help you in that area. Couples who have been together for years or decades often forget that reestablishing confidence is an important step in bringing life back into the bedroom.

Whether you're a couple who's been together for years, or a couple that has been together for decades, there are several ways to revamp things in an intimate way and bring back the spark in your relationship. Remember to keep an open mind and have an honest conversation about your needs and desires with your partner.

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