Below is a picture of the tree prior to Christmas morning as we don't bring out the gifts until 11:30pm or so on Christmas Eve night once our kids are all in bed asleep.
Shhhh.... Santa Claus came and was quite good to four children, this year.
Our older two kids kept pestering me about what in the world were ALL those boxes on top of our two fridges / freezers (I had a lot of boxes full of wrapped gifts in them), and I kept saying I guess you'll have to find out on Christmas morning if they have presents in them or not, won't you?
Here's what they saw on the fridges:
Now, our younger two are 2 1/2 and 9 months old so of course they don't understand what Santa Claus is yet. But, our toddler was tired because we woke him up to go downstairs as the older two were getting impatient about wanting to go see what Santa brought them!
We walked downstairs to find that Santa came!
Well, after about two gifts he finally perked up and woke up and started going to town on opening up his gifts. He loves opening up presents, as do most kids I would think!
He had fun with his big gift, which means has a new Teddy Ruxpin bear that we put batteries in, and it's a lot of fun to listen to remembering vivid memories of my old original one I had. He tells stories and sings, it's adorable and he enjoys him.
Our youngest got as a big gift a VTech Sit-To-Stand Learning Walker in Pink, and she loves it! She may only be 9 months old today, but she has been standing against things by pulling herself up since about 6 months old, has taken one step sometimes without holding on for almost three weeks now, and just took TWO steps without holding on, on Christmas Eve at my in laws Christmas party so this is perfect for her.
She loves the musical aspect of it with the activities on the front. She will balance herself or I'll get her balanced standing and then put her hands on it, so she can walk around with it and she does!
Our oldest son is 10 and he had been wanting a Hoverboard for almost two years now, so his big gift was a Hoverfly Hoverboard in blue! He loves it, despite falling off of it twice and has used it quite a few times now since getting it! It takes some serious balancing to use this.
Our oldest daughter is 9 and asked for two specific things and got both! She wanted a WowWee Fingerling (she got Sophie - white with pink hair) and a Tomagotchi, so for her big gift she got both.
The Fingerling Sophie is cute and fun! She loves her so far and has fun getting her to move a little bit and make noises, and she also snores and makes other noises. It's easy to get her on and off of your finger.
Of course, Santa can't leave Mom and Dad out of Christmas cheer! We got a Westinghouse 50 inch Smart TV and a wall bracket for it, so we will be setting it up by the weekend I hope.
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