Saying Thank You To Wedding Guests

 One of the best parts about your wedding day is having friends and family there to celebrate it with you. And while your guests will be more than happy to share your day, there’s a considerable amount of effort and expense that they put into it. 

They have to travel to and from the venue, buy a wedding outfit, a gift and possibly take time off work and stay overnight in a hotel. So to show your appreciation of the effort they have made, it’s nice to send a little something to say thank you. While you can leave your guests wedding favours on the day, here are a few of the things you could do after everyone returns home.

Send a Thank You Card
You can’t go far wrong with a simplethank you card. You could have the designer who made your invitations put something together for you, or simply buy beautiful ready made cards from a wedding stationer. This is a great fuss free option, you can add a heartfelt message inside and it is a great way to show your guests you appreciate the effort they made.

Send a Copy of the Wedding DVD
Your wedding video is something you are bound to be immensely happy with, and will want to show to all of your family and friends. But why wait until they come round for a visit? Sites like Nationwide Disc offer cheap disc duplication, so you can have a batch of copies of your wedding DVD made up ready to send to your nearest and dearest. This is especially great for those who weren’t able to make it on the day, and everyone else is sure to enjoy laughing at themselves dancing at the wedding reception afterwards.

Send a Photo Postcard
This is becoming a popular alternative to a thank you cards, you can send guests ‘thank you postcards’ instead. You could use one, or a number of different wedding photos in a collage for the front picture. For a more personalised option, you could even create a postcard for each guest using a picture with them in from the wedding. There are plentyof companies that offer this type of service- Zazzle, Funky Pigeon and Vistaprint to name a few- although it’s easy to do yourself.

Either download an app, or even just put something together using basic photo editing software. Add some text to the front, and finish the other side of the postcard with a handwritten message. A perfect way to say thank you, which will be a lovely surprise when it drops through your guest’s letterbox after the wedding. Traditionally, it’s said you should send thank you notes withinthree months of the wedding.

Whichever way you choose to say thank you, it’s the thought that counts and your wedding guests will surely appreciate it. Whether you choose to stick with a traditional card or note or go down a different route, it will be a fantastic reminder of the day.

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