Eat Local Onesie by My Doula Made It

*Disclaimer - I received the product in this post from the Etsy Shop My Doula Made It in order to facilitate this review for my readers.

Are you looking for a cute nursing onesie for your little one?

Are you a breastfeeding mother or want a good gift to give a mom to be? This one is cute and will encourage moms. You can find this Eat Local onesie, HERE for just $7.98! My Doula Made It has a good variety of products to buy, and also has different colors for the Eat Local onesie, and t-shirts for mom too! 

This is going to be used for our gender reveal picture for Is it a Boy or Girl, in late October or early November when we can find out! I'm anxious to know, because we have had in order: boy, girl, boy. So, unless the pattern changes this time, we are guessing a girl. I nursed our youngest until 14 months when I found out I'm pregnant and am looking forward to be able to nurse again in March or April.

This onesie comes in these sizes:
3 months
6 months
12 months
24 months

These onesies are made of 100% cotton and are pretty durable as well. I love these as they are also good for supporting breastfeeding.

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