Adjusting to First Grade

We have two kids in school, as our youngest isn't even 6 months old yet! Well, I was asked to write a topic about adjusting to each grade, so the first topic I will be doing on that will be adjusting to First Grade as that's the grade our daughter is in.

She learned quite a bit in kindergarten last school year compared to what I thought she would. Counting to 100 and so on. Well, she made a lot of good friends in her class last year so during the summer she was anxious to get back to school to see all of her friends. 

Well, I looked on their school's website in late August before school started, to find that half of her friends were going to be in the other class. She said "That's okay, I'll make new friends", and that she did! Last year, it was rare to get a homework assignment from kindergarten but this year that's another story! She has a math paper or two to do almost daily, as well as spelling words for Friday tests, and PSSA once a week usually, sometimes none. PSSA is basically just a story on one paper and on the other paper is questions for her to answer and write the answer. She can go back in the story to find her answer. 

That's my favorite homework assignment to do with her, as well as the famous Book-It Program, which is where she reads 10 books a month and writes them on the paper, her dad or I sign and date it and turn it in; then she receives a Book-It slip to get a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. 

As most school age parents know, they have put Common Core education in the public school system; I'm not sure if they have done so for private schools like Catholic or Christian education yet or not. 

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