April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

I know I don't write about many personal topics, such as sexual assault awareness on my blog but it's a big deal to me as a survivor to help get the awareness out to others throughout the community, as well as online to help others as a whole to realize how serious of a matter it is. 

I am trying to put together an awareness event on my blog through posts and reviews of awareness products, so keep reading to see what I am interested in review wise. Please keep in mind that for this event, I do NOT have a minimum the product or products need to be.

I have been thinking about it and wanted to see about doing an April Awareness Month for this cause, and do a few reviews of awareness like items such as bracelets, pens, t-shirts, and anything else that could help others to spread the word on the matter.

If you're an organization, company, or shop and would like to help with this through product review please email me at mama4life07@gmail.com and let me know what you'd like to sponsor for it and I will add you to my schedule for a review, for April.

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