After working for your whole life, going into retirement and acquiring so much free time can leave you feeling restless and even bored. You may be wondering how you are going to find activities to fill all of this free time. Before, you had a job to take up most of your week, and you found time to do what you enjoy when you could. Now is your opportunity to try new things or do what you never had time for in the past.
If you are feeling less excited and more overwhelmed by all of this extra time, there are plenty of places you can look to get involved. As we get older, it can be more difficult to make friends or try new things. There is no school to offer extracurricular activities, and in retirement, you don’t even have a job as an option for meeting new people. If you are in search of groups you can join for this, there are lots of options for individuals in retirement.
Activities in Your Senior Living Facility
If you live in a retirement community, there are usually great opportunities for activity groups right in your own backyard. Depending on your specific facility, there may be entertainment such as local musicians, parties, games, fitness classes, movie nights, and more. Many senior living communities also offer outings that you can go on with those you live with. These trips can be to shows, museums, and other events but also something as simple as grocery shopping. You can go for the activity itself, but it is also a great way to get to know your neighbors, and just one part of what makes this option a fantastic place for seniors to live out their later years.
If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer there are lots of opportunities right in your community. Senior corps is a volunteer organization that was created for individuals who are 55 and older. They offer different volunteer opportunities with which you can get involved.
Foster Grandparents allows you to be a role model for a younger person in your community; if you enjoy children and teenagers, this could be an opportunity that would benefit both of you. You would serve as a mentor for this child and make a difference in their life.
They also have an RSVP option, which gives you the flexibility of joining any volunteer opportunity in your community as you wish.
Go on a Trip
If you have always wanted to travel, retirement is a great time to go to all of those places you’ve been dreaming about. There are many companies that offer all-inclusive trips to a variety of locations. You and other 50-and-older individuals could be sipping wine in Greece, or exploring the African safari. It is a great opportunity to see the world and meet new people, and the best part is you won’t have to do any of the planning.
If you love to learn while you travel, the Road Scholar program could be a great option for you. It is a nonprofit that offers over 5,500 learning opportunities in 150 countries and all 50 states. The program puts you in contact with an expert who will help you have a first-hand learning experience in the location you choose. They also offer “grandparent trips” so you can bring your grandchild with you on this adventure.
Bio: Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beach goer operating out of Southern New Jersey.
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