When we move house, most of us are aware that there are a great deal of administrative and logistical tasks to complete. Simple things, such as ensuring you have working electricity upon your arrival, that your utilities have been turned off in the old house and your contracts moved, and that you’ve booked a technician to come and set up your internet access within the first week you move can all be key.
But of course, the distance you travel from one home to another, from one region to another, the best household moving company in tow, is worth planning properly as well. For instance, investing in a top box container for your luggage can prevent it from having to squeeze against your children’s faces in the back seats of your car for the 400 mile journey.
Another interesting to ask is how you can make this mute less dull or tiresome. Is it possible to transform a house move into a mini-holiday, even? What would that even look like, and how could you benefit? In this post, we hope to discuss all of that and more:
Rest Stops On The Way
Taking a few comforting rest stops along the way could be a nice idea. This might mean a night or two in a hotel, knowing that you have access to a good restaurant, gym and sauna area while there, or it might even mean stopping over in a town for a few days on your way.
Some people might use this as an excuse to rent a small cottage for a couple of days to celebrate an anniversary, capped off with moving into your own home. If you can trust a friend or family member to fly ahead and look after your new house for a couple of days, accepting delivery of your belongings and directing the moving staff to place the boxes in the right place, then you have all the time in the world.
Your First Week
When moving into a new home, the property is almost like vacation accommodation, in that it’s completely new to you. This means that scheduling a week off work or so, close to when you move in or immediately so, can give you the excuse to travel to some local attractions and events, or community activities. Really make some time of it. This can help you enjoy the location with a sense of exploration rather than solely focusing on your logistical and setup tasks.
Throw A Housewarming Party
You might decide to throw a housewarming party with a few neighbors you’ve met or friends that have come with you to check out the new place. This might escalate to a night on the town, or booking a table in a beautiful restaurant, or even a couple of nights in a local hotel. This way, you can feel so much more connected to the area you’ve moved to, your first memories remaining ultra-positive. After all, you should feel as if enjoying your move is something you have permission to do.
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