Good Masks for Kids from RosetattooUS Etsy Shop

 *Disclaimer - I received the products in this post from the Etsy shop RosetattooUS, in order to facilitate this review. 

Are you looking for some good masks for school?

When it comes to school, our kids have multiple masks and I was glad I found this shop's masks because they love these and tell me that they're soft and comfortable to wear. Our daughter has them for when she starts pre-k in the fall and our son has them for kindergarten. 

They are easy to wash too and go in the wash with other cloth masks that he has for school, as well as our older two kids. He likes the blue one the most, but wears them all equally as much as they are some of the ones he prefers to pick in the morning before catching the bus!

She loves these two masks and says they are soft to wear, and they are also easy to wash. I love the material for them that these masks are made from, and highly recommend. You can find the masks for kids, on their shop! They have many styles to choose from too so check them out and see which you need. 

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