4 Ways to Boost Your Home's Air Quality

 When you move into a new home you want to make sure that you are moving into a safe and healthy location. You want to ensure that your house is clean for your family, and prospective visitors. When you complete a tour of a new home, you can use this opportunity to see if there are areas of your home which needed to be cleaned. 

For instance, maybe there’s mildew or mold that you’ve found in some of the rooms of your house, and you require the services of a company that offers a mold inspection in Fairfield, CT (or your location) to address the problem. Whatever the issue, making sure that your home stays safe and clean is an essential step for any homeowner to follow. This will ensure that you live a healthy life once you purchase a home for yourself and your family.

One constant area of concern which you’ll need to tackle to make sure your home stays as clean and healthy as possible is your indoor air quality (IAQ). This is the quality of the air within and around buildings and structures. IAQ can affect the health, comfort, and overall well-being of those who live in your home. Poor IAQ can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, aggravation of allergies, and can also be harmful to those who are suffering from obesity. We’ll focus on the four ways to boost your home’s IAQ.

Purchase an air purifier.

One way to boost the IAQ of your home is to invest in an indoor air purifier. Air purifiers can be used to capture irritants that exist in the air of your home. Some popular air purifiers that are available for homeowners are the Vremi brand of purifiers and True Hepa air purifiers. These include normal room-sized Vremi air purifiers and Vremi large room home air purifiers. Once you determine the square feet that you’d like for your air purifier to cover, they can rid your home of microns, pet dander, pollen, germs, and dust mites. These are the types of air-bound elements that can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, aggravation of allergies.

Such allergens and airborne elements won’t be completely done away with through the use of an air purifier, though you do decrease the amount of these elements by a significant number. In the same realm as an air purifier, it would be good to invest in a dehumidifier. This can help to prevent the growth of mold areas like bathrooms. Mold can also have a harmful effect on your IAQ.

Change your air filter.

Air filters have to be changed for indoor air heating systems. When you change these with some degree of regularity, you make sure that airborne irritants like pet dander, pollen, germs, and dust mites get trapped. If you don’t change the air filters, these airborne irritants continue to circulate through your home. If you find yourself on a regular basis doing research into simple health tips when it comes to bad IAQ, then you’re at a point where you need to change your air filters.

There are a variety of quality air filters that are available. Some of these include the True Hepa Filter, carbon filters, and activated carbon filters. These devices can provide powerful 3-stage filtration which can improve the air quality of a large room or small room in your house. Changing your air filters can help to boost your home’s air quality. However, before you purchase a new filter you'll need to make sure that the filter is compatible with your AC, by searching for something like '12x12x1 air filter' you will be able to find compatible devices and check how long they last before you need to look at changing them again.

Open your windows.


Here’s a cost-effective way to improve your home’s air quality — open a window. Let some fresh air in, and this health benefit will help to remove any allergens, dust mites, or pollen that might be floating around. This is an easy way to help improve your home’s air quality.

Keep the plant life outside.

Adding potted plants to your home is a healthy living tip which many people follow. This healthy living tip has led to entire small rooms becoming indoor greeneries. Unfortunately, though, indoor plants can also collect and encourage mold growth sometimes after you water them. This unfortunately can affect the indoor air quality for many people who have allergies, if exposed to such allergens.

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