Protecting Your Child’s Health Book, Available Now

 *Disclaimer - This is a sponsored post and I'm being compensated for this post.

Are you looking for a good book for your child's health that will answer your questions?

There's a lot of books out there, but I was excited when I came across the email for this one known as Protecting Your Child's Health, which can be found on Amazon for just $16.95 now!

One question and answer, I got from the book that I wanted to share with my readers, since I know several readers are expecting is:

1. What can I do before I become pregnant to ensure  the healthiest possible pregnancy and to reduce  the chance that my baby will have a birth defect? 

"Schedule a preconception visit with your doctor  (or other clinician). Preconception health care is care  that a woman of childbearing age receives before  pregnancy. A preconception visit can help you and  your doctor to identify and treat health conditions  that may cause problems during your pregnancy.  These conditions include high blood pressure, diabe tes mellitus, seizure disorders, and certain infections.  

The visit gives your clinician the opportunity to  discuss important subjects such as nutrition, weight,  exercise, stress reduction, smoking cessation and sec ondhand smoke exposure, avoiding alcohol, avoiding  fish high in mercury, and avoiding recreational and  occupational exposures that may pose risks."

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