Deciding to Send Your Child to School In Person or Virtually Online

When it comes to school, many people within the United States are on edge with the decision on whether they should send their kids in person to school full time like before, or if virtual learning through their school district would be a better option.

Thankfully, we live in a small area and only have 48 cases in our county since March, although the bulk of the cases were I think in late June or July. We have three kids in school, and they have said a lot that they want in person with their friends, not at home online so that is what they'll be doing in early September. 

Our five year old will be in kindergarten, so he is excited to see all of his friends again that he was in pre-k with, who wasn't at the park program this summer with him. Now that the park program is done, we will be working more on writing his name again like he was before school was done for the summer. 

We have the option to allow our kids to go to school in person Monday through Friday or do school district virtual school online. Of course, they and we chose to do in person. Yes, they'll have to wear a mask at least for when in the hall and on the bus, so we are starting to get a stock pile of masks that are re washable for the three of them. 

Will your kids be returning to school in the fall or doing school virtually?

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