Top 7 Back to School Brain Foods to Pack in Your Child’s Lunchbox

With the children going back to school after a hearty summer vacation, it is time for parents to get creative while preparing their back to school lunchboxes. For keeping your children active, healthy lunches and snacks are essential.

It enables kids to focus and learn easily. While at school, children get limited time to eat during the day and may want to play with their friends instead of eating. Hence, it is of utmost importance that you pack your child’s lunchbox with as many nutrients possible, and make it look attractive so that he or she finishes all the food.

Here is a list of Top 7 brain foods that can assist your child to develop his or her brain – plus enhance brain function, memory, and concentration. 

  1. Dates
Dates contain many nutrients and are regarded to be one of the finest foods that man has discovered. They relieve us of all sorts of digestive issues and are energy boosters, which makes it advisable to take them in the morning. Since organic dates contain the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for growth of children, we recommend adding it to your little one’s lunchbox.

  1. Eggs
Hard-boiled eggs are a classic snack, which most kids eat willingly but eggs can also be converted into egg muffin, or egg salad for adding flavour. Whether fried, steamed or boiled, eggs in any form are packed with choline, folate and vitamins that benefit the health of the brain. Eggs are well-known as a great protein source which helps in memory development for humans of all ages. 

  1. Avocado
The minerals and vitamins of avocadoes are not only fashionable, but also helpful in preventing stress and anxiety. Avocadoes are free from sugar, cholesterol and sodium. They provide nearly 20 vitamins and minerals and contribute good fats to your child's diet. Guacamole and honey avocado toast are some dishes that you can conjure up quickly in your kitchen. 

  1. Whole Grains
The brain requires a steady glucose supply, which is provided by whole grains. The fibre present in whole grain rich foods contributes to the regulation of glucose release into the body. Whole grains also contain B-vitamins that nourish the nervous system. Include oatmeal, barley, cereal or bread as well as wild and brown rice in the lunchbox, to ensure your kid gets a lot of whole grain goodness.

  1. Milk & Yogurt
Dairy foods are loaded with protein and B-vitamins, which are vital for development of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Recent surveys indicate that kids and teens require 10 times the dose of vitamin D, a vitamin found in high quantity in dairy foods that benefits the neuromuscular system and the human cell's life cycle. We recommend cheese sticks, milk pudding and fruit yogurts.

  1. Colourful Vegetables
The best sources of antioxidants that help in keeping the brain cells strong and healthy are tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots and spinach. If your child isn’t a fan of vegetables, then try adding eye-catchy, colourful veggies to his or her lunchbox. Make pumpkin muffins, carrot stick with dips, or even a fruit & veggie salad. 

  1. Dark Chocolate

Last but not the least, it is okay to treat your children a little with dark chocolate. In a recent study, it has been found that the consumption of dark chocolate increases brain power by increasing blood flow to the brain, and thus enhances the alertness and retention of data among students. Just add a couple of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies to your child’s lunchbox.

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