5 Style Tips for Women You Don't Want to Miss!

Do you often wonder how some women always look well-dressed regardless of what they are wearing? Were they born with this talent? The answer is likely no. Over the years, they have simply learned how to put an outfit together for the greatest impact. Here are five style tips that can help you do the same. 

Don't overlook accessories when putting together an outfit. A flashy belt, a statement necklace, or dangling earrings can take a plain outfit and make it spectacular in a matter of seconds. In fact, women find they can completely transform the look of an outfit simply by changing the accessories they wear with it. Try it today and see the difference this can make. Women who shop for accessories rather than new clothes might find they can pick up a new pair of women booties, sunglasses, and a scarf for less than the cost of a new dress in many stores. 

When choosing accessories, be sure to check out the selection of scarves. This one item can be worn in a multitude of ways, allowing women to make the most of their clothing budget. For example, the scarf may be worn around the neck-; a popular option-; or it might be used as a belt for jeans or with a dress. Additionally, a scarf may be tied around the head to keep the hair off the face or worn as a bracelet by tying it around the wrist. Women the world over now keep this accessory on hand at all times as it is so versatile. It might be time for you to do the same. 

Emphasize Only One Body Part
Choose your best feature and emphasize it whenever possible. For example, a woman who feels her legs are her best feature should show them off whenever possible. However, don't show cleavage when doing so, as this can detract from the legs. It's best to leave only one body part bare, according to Angelina Jolie's stylist than to barely more than one body part simultaneously. Keep this in mind when putting together different outfits for a well-put-together look. 

Know What You Like
Go into the closet and pick out the ten items you like and wear the most often. Women often fail to do this and then purchase clothes that don't go with anything they own or that they won't ever actually wear. Don't make this mistake. By having a good understanding of what you find comfortable and like to wear, you'll discover your clothing budget goes further and you are always in style. This list of favorites helps to narrow down the available choices so fewer clothes need to be purchased every season for a complete wardrobe. 

A Good Seamstress
Clothes always look best when they fit properly. However, most women cannot afford to have their entire wardrobe hand-created for their bodies. Fortunately, with the help of a good seamstress, a woman will find she can buy clothes off the rack and have them altered to fit her particular body type. This typically costs less than having a piece custom-made and provides the same results. This is especially important for women who are petite and have difficulty finding clothes that truly are the right size. You can also use accessories like a hem tape to ensure your dress falls perfectly in place and make you look toned.

Don't hesitate to try new things. Women who do so find they enjoy putting outfits together more, especially when they create one that others love and comment on. With the help of these tips, any woman will learn she can create this type of outfit. It's all a matter of knowing the right tips and tricks, and these are a good place to start. 

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