Colorful Cooking DIY: Red Velvet Cake Inspired by Lucky Bat

*Disclaimer - I was provided with a gift card to purchase everything needed for this post and future activities. All opinions are my own.

Are you looking for a fun way to bake with kids?

This activity was a lot of fun to work on, with my younger two kids while our older kids were in school. There is a new movie coming out in May, and it's called Ugly Dolls and kids will LOVE it! 

We decided to go with the activity: Red Velvet Cake Inspired by Lucky Bat - It didn't turn out like I wish it did for my drawing with icing and filling it in to be like Lucky Bat, but we tried to the best we could!

What you will need:

Red Velvet Cake
3 Eggs
1/2 cup of vegetable oil
1 1/4 cups water

Beat the mixture with a spatula or spoon

For the baking pan, I always use a 13 x 9 size for cakes that I make, and it works well.

We used vanilla frosting for our cake instead of the normal cream cheese icing. 

Like I mentioned above, my artistic skills are not very good, but we tried our best with the icing that I could find for drawing on cakes to make Lucky Bat with icing and to use the red colored sprinkles to decorate him. I wrote the name of the movie, Ugly Dolls on the right-hand side of the cake. 

I'm sure many of you have better skills than I do when it comes to decorating a cake, but we had a fun time with it and it's a delicious cake! I used 2 - 3 different kinds of sprinkles. 

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