The Stork OTC

*Disclaimer - This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own.

Are you having trouble conceiving but aren't sure of a non overly expensive product you can use?

We have three kids and are expecting our fourth in mid March likely. I had a dose of depo-provera shot as birth control once before getting pregnant with our youngest who is now almost 21 months old. Well, I had decided to not get another dose of it and let whatever happens, happen. 

Well, usually I am extremely fertile and it only takes once or twice and I'm pregnant. It took about 10 months of no birth control after only one dose of depo-provera shot that lasts 90 days, to get pregnant with him. Keeping intimacy while TTC is very important for a relationship / marriage. Don't let yourself get too stressed or worked up if you're not becoming pregnant right away. It'll happen when the time is right, believe me. 

This Stork OTC is an at home medical device and can be purchased at CVS and Walgreens, and is located in the family planning section, next to the ovulation kits! 

I wanted to let you know about the upcoming Twitter party on February 23rd at 8pm EST and urge them to participate with hashtag #getcloserwithstorkotc.

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