Fun at the Carnival 2016

Are you looking for something fun for the entire family to enjoy once a year? 

Head to your local carnival or fair!

Our family has always enjoyed heading 15 minutes or so from our home every year, to the carnival! Our older two always have a great time, and the food there is amazing as well. Yes, it's pricey but hey it's only once a year so that is quite okay. 

One piece of advice I have to you would be, to make sure that you buy or order tickets BEFORE the fair or carnival start! You don't want to pay $x amount of money for 2 - 3 tickets per ride, when you can either get an unlimited wristband for all rides for $20 - 30, or pay $20 for a strip of 12 tickets. Save money when you can, right?

You may ask, is this for ALL ages? Yes, it is! I always see couples, lots of teenagers, school age kids, and young kids not old enough to ride many things there when we go every year. Our youngest was 14 months old when we got to go this year, and he rode 3 - 4 things with his brother / sister, and daddy. He had a fun time too! 

One particular thing we all enjoy doing each year, is the ping pong fish bowl game. We spend $20 - 30 on this game alone, because our kids love to win goldfish, even though they all end up dying by week two. The one year, the 2 fish lived 1 and 2 years so we were shocked! 


  1. Looks like so much fun. I love the annual carnivals they used to hold at home. In fact each township had it's own and would spend summers bopping around to see different ones just to have a yummy corn dog. I have not seen to many in UK yet but I know they have them and looking forward to going

  2. The carnival does look like so much fun! I haven't been to a carnival for years, I should start going again!

  3. I love carnivals and enjoyed your tips! Buying tickets in advance really helps. I am single and have gone to the state carnival on dates - that is fun!
