Valentine's Day: Farm Rich Products - Great Party Foods

*Disclaimer - I received several free product coupons Farm Rich to get the products that are being featured in this post, in order to facilitate this review for my readers. 

Are you looking for some last minute party appetizers for your Valentine's Day dinner, with your significant other or kids? Farm Rich is here to help save the day!

First off, I'll start off with showing the products that we got with the coupons that I received for my Valentine's Day post. My all-time favorite product that they sell is the mozzerella sticks usually. Farm Rich has a lot of great appetizers and other frozen foods to choose from. Here's the selections of Farm Rich products to choose from, here

My new favorite has to be the pizza roll ups. They are great and are good for everyone in the whole family. I had a fun dinner with our kids and my husband the one evening, and we enjoyed all that I got with the coupons, in one dish as I made it a sampler appetizer dish, which was fun, and we all enjoyed the foods! 

My husband of course is the only one who eats the jalepeno poppers, but we all ate the rest of the food seen here. I love the chicken wings, and chose to use ranch dressing rather than the buffalo sauce, but used the buffalo sauce on two of them to try it out. I'm not too keen on hot sauce for wings, but it was pretty good! I also went back and got the crispy breaded onion rings and they are delicious! We love onion rings and have been a big fan of Farm Rich products for several years now, and these items will definitely be in our grocery list from now on, especially when it comes to special meals where we want more than just a dish. 

At Farm Rich, they want to offer tips/hacks, recipes, and great tasting food that help simplify everyday life – what they like to call Real-Life Good.

You can sign up for the Farm Rich email newsletter to receive exclusive offers and promotions: here . When you love Farm Rich products as much as I do, exclusive offers and other promotions are great! 

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