Our daughter's 6th birthday is fast approaching us! It's going to be a FROZEN party!

This post is in no way sponsored, I bought and have already reviewed the products that are pictured in this post. 

Our daughter will be the big 6 in mid October, so we will be having her party right before her actual birthday, as it's during the week. I think that we will both be having lunch with her and I will be making cupcakes for her class and teacher, since it's during the school week, so fun stuff! We won't be able to get the cake that I was really hoping to get, since we're no longer in the same state as the person who makes them, so hopefully Walmart can make one with the sheet of Frozen on it for us.

Of course, everyone and their mother still love Frozen, right? Well, in our house we do anyway. I asked her out of ALL of the themes she could choose from what would she like to be for her birthday, and of course her answer was Frozen. So, we will be hosting a Frozen birthday party for her and her friends from school and the park. We're excited and it's going to be fun. I am hoping to get some recipes together and make some fun frozen treats and stuff, and I got a pinata in a princess type theme for review she will have fun with her friends breaking open. Of course I will be doing a post after the party. 

The other night, it seemed to have taken forever for me to find the "right" Frozen invitations and the price, etc. So, I found some cute ones on Amazon for sale and bought 3 sets of them, some pencils, as well as balloons and a game. I am not too sure on all the details yet, but we are sure on the date, time, and location now so that's a start at least. I will be sending her to school on Monday with her birthday invitations for her classmates to take home. 

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