Life with a Kindergartener and First Grader!

This post is going to be all about school!

My daughter went through a pre-k class during my time of employment between August 19, 2013 - April 17, 2014 and then again for 1 week or so in August 2014 until we moved. She has always been ahead of most of the students according to her former teacher there, so I know I was doing my job as a mom by teaching her as well as her brother all about things they'd be learning in school, since 18 months old when they could talk in full blown sentences. She's known all her ABCs since 18 months and so has he, adding up to 10, etc. Simple stuff that is fun to teach at a early age as a stay at home mother.

Our son started kindergarten in 2013, and graduated in May 2014! He could not wait to start first grade he said. Even during the summer months, he was asking when they could ride the bus and go to school with their friends. I told him, August. We were not too sure what he'd be learning, but I know that last year, a lot of his year was spent learning sight words and reading short books. He absolutely loves Dr Seuess books and can read quite a few of them with little to no help, and he's almost 7. 

He is now in first grade, and has been learning about science as well as spelling words, and reading more advanced books than he was before, as well as math things. He has some homework, but not much. He loves his teacher and class this year. 

My daughter started kindergarten and absolutely loves it. She sits at a table with her name on it with a few other children, and has made some new friends. She's learning to read too! I have been working on teaching her to read off and on throughout the summer, and she's getting better at it. We love reading together. She has library sometimes and that's of course when she picks a new book to bring home to read. They don't have a reading log like before, so I am not sure why but maybe they will soon, to record it. 

They will be having a book fair next week, so I know they will enjoy that and buying some books. We also will be going to their school for an open house to be able to see their classrooms, so I am looking forward to that as well. So far, they're doing great and right on track with school work.

Question for my followers:

What grade are your kids in?


  1. My husband has kids who are: just starting college, 9th grade and 3rd grade. :)

  2. I don't have kids, but I remember vividly loving those grades as a kid! What a fun period of time :)

  3. That is so exciting! I haven't been to an open house. I sure will next year! I just wanted to say I get excited too, seeing parents watch their kids go to school specially the first timers. :D

  4. My kids are in second year preschool, grade 1 and grade 3. They attend a french immersion catholic school!! I'm very proud of all of them!

  5. Small children can be the greatest blessing in your life while also being a test of your spirit and determination. The rewards outweigh anything on the down side by far more than you could think possible.

  6. Kindy is such a fun school year!
