Keeping Baby Healthy During the Flu Season

I was asked to write about how to keep baby healthy during the flu season. While I'm not sure because our kids usually stay pretty healthy, I will answer it the best that I can.

I don't really have any answers, because our older two kids have had the flu maybe twice in their 6 1/2 and 7 1/2 years of life, and we just gave them Ginger Ale, crackers, and lots of rest. They didn't have it as infants though. Our youngest is almost 3 months old and has yet to even get a cold, so I'm not sure how to recommend to keep your baby healthy during the flu season. 


  1. My kids have had the flu, and it's no fun. I keep them away from people I know are not feeling well and make them wash their hands all the time.

  2. No one in our house has ever gotten the flu, but have had our fair share of colds. They are no fun. Lots of rest and liquids until it passes is about all you can do.

  3. My son had the flu 2 years ago, and it was SCARY how fast it happened! I will say, since I started homeschooling, and we use essential oils, no one has been sick! Try some oils!

  4. There's a lot of waiting it out when kids are sick. Rest is so much of it since their little bodies are working so hard to fight off those germs.

  5. I was so lucky when my son was a baby that he never caught germs until he was 4 years old. Crazy, huh? I'll need to learn more for our next baby, I'm sure, because I know that this was uncommon for a little one to never get sick. It's funny how every child is so different!

  6. My son just had the flu! There really isn't anything you can but rest, vitamin c, liquids and wait till you get better

  7. We keep kids filled up with lots of fluids. I also make sure they sleep as much as possible.
