How to Save Money on Diapers

I was asked from a reader to write a topic about how to save money on diapers, so here it goes.

I personally have gotten a LOT of the diapers we have for our youngest from doing reviews on my blog for companies, so we have only really had to buy maybe 4 boxes of diapers and he's 3 months old. 

Below is a photo that I found on Google images that shows the different brands of diapers there are to choose from.

For moms, it's always a good thing to have a good stock of diapers before baby is born and after as well. I know that Huggies and Pampers websites have a way to sign up to receive coupons for purchasing diapers, so I'm sure that other brands probably do as well. We used Huggies with our first two children, but with our youngest Huggies was terrible so we have un-used diapers I'm trying to sell because they leak badly. 

We use Pampers and Luvs, and I think White Cloud diapers. They all seem to work well for him. Some people recommend going to cloth diapers, but we don't. 

Sign up for coupons to get them for purchasing diapers on several websites, and even google coupons for diapers and see what you can find in terms of coupons. Other than coupons, I'd recommend blogging to review diapers if you want. That's what I did and saved us so much money, through size 2.


  1. We usually get our diapers on Amazon. They have online coupons sometimes and we use Amazon MOm and Subscribe and Save.

  2. These are really great tips. Whenever my kiddos were little I always made sure to have coupons for diapers because they are incredibly expensive!

  3. Great tips on how to save! I always try to buy in bulk when there is a coupon!

  4. Pampers fit my kids best so that was the brand we stuck with. I never tried many others.

  5. The cost of diapers really adds up quick! I definitely look for coupons & also stock up when there are sales.
